of Moog
The following is a long-accepted translation from the Codex Incarnaeum which describes the birth of the world. The views expressed in the translation, with some ethnic and regional differences, are widely regarded as genuine by most scholars, though the High Elves of the Island Kingdom Immensea hold that this is but one interpretation of ancient events. Elves are difficult in that way and don’t really discuss creation or theology with Men or Dwarves. Most men, dwarves and halflings hold this to be as close to canonical, or fact if you will, as one might get in these ill-informed times.
Oswald Myrthenbaum
The following is a long-accepted translation from the Codex Incarnaeum which describes the birth of the world. The views expressed in the translation, with some ethnic and regional differences, are widely regarded as genuine by most scholars, though the High Elves of the Island Kingdom Immensea hold that this is but one interpretation of ancient events. Elves are difficult in that way and don’t really discuss creation or theology with Men or Dwarves. Most men, dwarves and halflings hold this to be as close to canonical, or fact if you will, as one might get in these ill-informed times.
Oswald Myrthenbaum
The Esoteric order of
the Dragon, 4019
And so, it was before the sun burned bright in the Void that Great Ourbosas, She Who Soars in the Void, Maker of All Things, brought forth a shimmering and perfect egg. “BEHOLD,” she spoke unto the nameless spirits that attended her “HERE IS MY MOST PERFECT AND DREADFUL DAUGHTER, AND WITH HER I AM WELL PLEASED.”
And so, it was before the sun burned bright in the Void that Great Ourbosas, She Who Soars in the Void, Maker of All Things, brought forth a shimmering and perfect egg. “BEHOLD,” she spoke unto the nameless spirits that attended her “HERE IS MY MOST PERFECT AND DREADFUL DAUGHTER, AND WITH HER I AM WELL PLEASED.”
Here, we see the
words of Great Ourbosas set in all capitals reflecting her divinity and great
power over all lesser beings. It should be noted that this may be due to the
original text of her words be set in the Dark Tongue, which lacks the upper
case and lower-case structure of Common.
Oswald Myrthenbaum
The Esoteric order of
the Dragon, 4019
Casting their eyes upon the magnificent egg and the unborn godling contained within, the obedient Amesha roared and capered with great, and rousing approval. There were however among the Amesha, five rather disgruntled and relatively bored spirits who were never as attentive as Great Ourbosas would have liked and seeing their feigned disinterest at the presentation of her heir, set her into a rage.
The Amesha who remain
unnamed in this passage may well be in fact the Dark Gods of Chaos, but
scholars are unsure of this. That there may be more Amesha than is commonly thought
remains a possibility. Certainly, the High Elves suggest so and name these
beings Ami.
Oswald Myrthenbaum
The Esoteric order of
the Dragon, 4019
“I CAST THEE DOWN LAGGARDS. DOWN FROM ON HIGH. DOWN UPON THE SURFACE OF THE MOOG EGG SHALL YE ABIDE UNTIL MY BLESSED DAUGHTER ROUSES HERSELF FROM HER GREAT SLUMBER.” Thus, spoke the Great Dragon Goddess and behold the five were made small, given weak forms and made to crawl upon the face of the Egg of Moog until the End of Days.
Then did Great Ourbosas belch forth a mighty gout of God Flame and thus was the sun lit so that it might warm the Egg in the Void. Then, did She Who Soars in the Void command that shimmering jewels should be hung in the sky so that the Moog godling would not grow bored with the limitless and featureless Void around her, and thus break free from her Egg before the appointed time. The obedient Amesha leapt into the reaches of the Void hanging the stars as the Great Dragon Goddess bade them. All save C’Pu, First Among the Amesha who was given the task of watching over the slothful five, ever mindful that they should make but little mischief on the Egg, nor escape through some trickery or spell.
And here is the
source of the first great schism. C’Pu, known as Ami CePhu Lunara to the Elves
is regarded as an equal to Ourbosas by Elven folk (and others) and that the two
are in fact, the only Greater Amesha. Furthermore, it is suggested by the High
Elves that the translation here is “laughably inaccurate” and that in fact
Ourbosas’ God Flame rages above us as the Sun. In essence, according to Elven
lore, Ourbosas IS the sun and C’Pu is the moon. Indeed, some Elven Priests
among the Wood Elves of the Gloamingwald, hold C’Pu or CePhu as being the
Greater of the Two Goddesses. The commonly
held notion in Vermistadt that a sunny day bodes an ill omen springs from this
belief, heretical though it may be to much of the local clergy, that the sun is
a “great and evil dragon goddess”.
Oswald Myrthenbaum
The Esoteric order of
the Dragon, 4019
Thus, was Moog created and the lesser gods imprisoned. On the second day of Moog, were born the great dragons, the lesser children of Ourbosas who sprang forth from the dark places of the Moog Egg and multiplied in great numbers. In the Great Days of Boredom that came after, as the Moog Egg hung in the Void, so then did the gods fall to bickering among themselves and so they crafted many servants to entertain them. The servitors of the gods; men, elves and dwarves, soon fell to fighting among themselves, as the lesser gods had hoped all along, being fond of petty violence and bloodshed. This continued for an Age until C’pu, who had always had a soft spot for the elves, brokered a peace between man and elf.
The dwarves however were having none of this peace stuff and continued to make war to the delight of Helmso and Sear’n On, until C’pu taught them the joys of mining and gem-cutting. This worked for a time. Soon enough though, the dwarves, being petty and small-minded, not unlike the lesser gods really, decided that the lands of Men and Elf had nicer deposits of ore and gemstones. Finally, C’pu came to realize that the dwarves remained committed to violence, grudge-holding and a general attitude of poor sportsmanship and envy. Even the dragons were complaining at this point and the Five had grown bored again and were no longer paying close attention, so C’pu seeing no other choice, summoned the dwarven lords and their emissaries to her great temple. There she taught the dwarves the deep magics of distilling and brewing and at last, their greed and avarice were appeased or besotted depending on which side of the conflict you ask.
It is worth noting
here that there is no mention of the fanciful Turtle God Thaumus and his long
journey across the void which we find in the Ardahune legend The Song of
Thaumus. This largely discredited origin myth of the barbarians of the north has
quite a few similarities to the more accepted tale found in the Song of
Ourbosas. It appears that the Ardahune faithful worship mostly the same five Gods
of Law and C’Pu but have in essence, adapted the names via their own crude, guttural
utterances which pass for some sort of spoken language. The Thaumus Blasphemies
as they are known by the High Church of Vermistadt have filtered into the imaginations
of many of the small folk of the Olde Duchy.
Oswald Myrthenbaum
The Esoteric order of
the Dragon, 4019
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